How I can Help You

Cultivating Emotional Balance


Trauma, grief or career guidance, you don’t have to go through it alone. Online and in-person counselling.

How I can help you

In Person Sessions

I offer face-to-face 1:1 counselling sessions in a secure setting at my practice.

Online Sessions

Safe and secure online counselling sessions from anywhere in South Africa

Easy Appointments

You can conveniently schedule appointments online through my website.

Emotional and Psychological Well-Being

Prioritizing Your Mental Health and Happiness

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes we may need a helping hand to guide us through tough times. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, grief, relationship issues, or career guidance, you don’t have to go through it alone. I offer both online and in-person counselling services to meet your specific needs.

Through trauma counselling, I can help you process and heal from past events that have left an emotional and psychological impact. If you’re feeling lost or unsure about career decisions or university applications, I can guide you towards a fulfilling path. Family counselling can help improve communication and connection among family members.

Additionally, relationship and break-up counselling can help you navigate through the ups and downs of love and heartbreak. Whatever your concern may be, my counselling services are here to support you every step of the way. My practice is trauma-informed, LGBTQ+ friendly and focused on who you are as a person. 

How I Can Help You

How I can help you

Personal Development

Marriage Counselling

Marraige Counselling

Relastionship Counselling

Relationship and Family Counselling

How I can help you. Career Development

Career Development



Hiv Testing

Hiv Testing and Counselling

workshops and training

Worksops and Training

Parenting classes

Parenting Classes

Eco counselling

Eco Counselling and Retreats


DBT Skills for Adolescents and Families

Information and Educational Videos

Look at the videos below for more information on evidence-based (scientific) interventions and techniques I am trained, certified and accredited in. Trauma and Tension Reduction Exercise, Brain Work Recursive Therapy, Mindfulness Rooted Ecotherapy

What is Counselling

Counselling is a personalized form of psychotherapy that helps individuals, couples or families cope with a wide range of issues, which can include mental health concerns, personal struggles, addiction and relationship difficulties. It involves open dialogue between the individual, couple or family and counsellor to work through the problem at hand. Through regular counselling sessions, you can develop better self-awareness and an understanding of your own emotions, forge better personal relationships as well as learn healthier coping skills to navigate life’s difficulties.

What are the Benefits of Counselling?

Counselling is a powerful tool that can help individuals to gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It provides an opportunity for people to explore their personal issues in a safe and supportive environment. Counselling can provide numerous benefits such as improved communication and interpersonal skills, increased self-acceptance and self-esteem, the ability to change self-defeating habits and behaviours, better understanding of one’s personality, values, and beliefs, relief from unpleasant emotions, development of openness and acceptance towards oneself and others, the ability to set boundaries for oneself and others, decreased anxiety and depression levels and lessened suicidal tendencies. Counselling can be a great way to gain clarity on life issues or simply learn more about yourself.

What does the counsellor do?

A registered counsellor is a trained professional who provides advice and guidance to individuals or groups on personal, social, educational, and career-related issues. They help people to explore their feelings and emotions, identify goals and objectives, develop strategies for dealing with problems, and work towards making positive changes in their lives. Counsellors use a variety of techniques such as active listening, problem-solving skills, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy to help clients reach their goals. Counsellors also provide support to individuals who are struggling with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. By providing a safe space for clients to express themselves without judgement or criticism, counsellors can help them gain insight into their own thoughts and feelings and make positive changes in their lives.

What are the benefits of Counselling for stress?

Counseling for stress provides a supportive outlet to express emotions, gain coping strategies, and foster resilience, promoting mental well-being.

How often do I see my counsellor?

We usually book weekly sessions but it remains your right to determine your process. 

Do you accept medical aid?

Yes, I do. Various options are available, please enquire.

How long do I have to participate in counselling?

With me, you are always in control of the choices you make. You can attend as many sessions as you need, which we will discuss and agree on. I encourage my clients to participate in taking stock of our process during every session. 

In Which Areas Do You Provide Counselling

I provide in-person counselling in Pretoria as well Emalhaleni as at my private practice.
However, I am able to provide counselling to people all across South Africa through online Sessions.


When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.

Victor  Frankel