Online counselling instructions for success. 


 How to prepare for online counselling. Making the most of your counselling journey. Healing starts here.

Online counselling

Sign consent form

You will receive an email with instructions and important links prior to our session.

Use GoogleMeet

We will use the GoogleMeet link on my site for every session. Simple and effective. 

Prepare for Success

Read more about making the most of your counselling sessions. 

Empower Your Well-being with Expert Online Counseling: Navigate Life’s Challenges with Professional Support

A Guide to Prepare for Your Online Counselling Session

Welcome to online counselling! Taking this step is a positive move towards improving your mental health and well-being. To ensure a productive and comfortable experience, it’s essential to prepare adequately for your online counselling sessions. This guide will walk you through the steps to make the most out of your counselling journey.

  1. Choose a Quiet and Private Space:
    • Find a quiet and private space where you won’t be interrupted during the session.
    • Inform others in your household about the scheduled session to minimize disruptions.
  2. Test Your Technology:
    • Ensure that your device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) is in good working condition.
    • Check your internet connection for stability.
    • Test the video and audio settings to make sure you can see and hear your counsellor clearly.
  3. Download and Familiarize Yourself with the Platform:
    • If you’re using a specific platform for the session, such as Zoom or Skype, download and install it in advance. We will use GoogleTeams.
    • Familiarize yourself with the basic features of the platform, such as video, audio, and chat options.
  4. Ensure Confidentiality:
    • Choose a secure and private location to protect your confidentiality.
    • Use headphones to maintain privacy and prevent others from overhearing the conversation.

More to consider

  1. Be Punctual:
    • Log in a few minutes before your scheduled session to ensure a smooth start.
    • Punctuality allows you to settle in and be mentally prepared for the session.
  2. Prepare Your Thoughts:
    • Reflect on the issues you want to discuss during the session.
    • Jot down any thoughts or questions you may have for your counsellor to stay focused and make the most of your time.
  3. Eliminate Distractions:
    • Turn off notifications on your device to minimize distractions.
    • Close unnecessary tabs or applications to help you concentrate on the counselling session.
  4. Have Essential Materials Ready:
    • Keep a notebook and pen nearby to jot down important insights or tasks discussed during the session.
    • If your counsellor recommends any exercises or activities, be ready with the necessary materials.
  5. Comfortable Seating Arrangement:
    • Ensure you’re seated comfortably with good posture to promote a positive and focused mindset.
    • Use a comfortable chair and adjust your camera to maintain eye level with your counsellor.
  6. Open Mind and Positive Attitude:
    • Approach the session with an open mind and a positive attitude.
    • Be honest and open in your communication to facilitate a meaningful exchange with your counsellor.

Remember, online counselling is a collaborative process, and your active participation is crucial for its success. By following these steps, you’ll create an environment conducive to effective communication and personal growth during your counselling sessions.

Here are additional tips on using earphones and preparing yourself before the online counselling session:

  1. Use Earphones for Enhanced Privacy:
    • Consider using earphones or headphones to enhance audio clarity and maintain privacy.
    • This reduces the likelihood of others overhearing the conversation and ensures a more confidential and secure experience.
  2. Set Up Your Environment:
    • Prior to the session, tidy up your surroundings to create a calm and organized space.
    • Dim the lights or use natural light to establish a comfortable ambiance.
  3. Practice Mindfulness or Relaxation Techniques:
    • Engage in mindfulness or relaxation exercises a few minutes before the session to help centre yourself.
    • Deep breathing or simple stretches can alleviate tension and promote a relaxed state of mind.
  4. Review Previous Sessions (if applicable):
    • Take a moment to review any notes or insights from previous counselling sessions.
    • This can provide continuity and help you track your progress.
  5. Clarify Technical Concerns in Advance:
    • Reach out to your counsellor or the technical support team if you encounter any issues with the platform or your device.
    • Addressing technical concerns ahead of time ensures a smoother session.
  6. Establish Goals for the Session:
    • Outline specific goals or topics you’d like to address during the session.
    • Communicate these goals to your counsellor at the beginning of the session to guide the discussion.
  7. Stay Hydrated and Comfortable:
    • Have a glass of water nearby to stay hydrated during the session.
    • Dress in comfortable attire to promote a relaxed and focused state of mind.
  8. Turn off Non-Essential Devices:
    • Power off or silence non-essential devices to minimize potential interruptions.
    • This includes turning off your phone or setting it to “Do Not Disturb” mode.
  9. Express Any Concerns or Questions:
    • If you have concerns or questions about the online counselling process, express them at the beginning of the session.
    • Clear communication ensures a smoother and more productive counselling experience.

Be Patient and Open-Minded:

    • Recognize that technology may have occasional glitches. Be patient and open-minded if such issues arise.
    • Focus on the process rather than perfection and embrace the opportunity for personal growth.

By incorporating these additional steps, you’ll create an even more supportive environment for your online counselling sessions, fostering a positive and effective experience.

How I Can Help

Personal Development

Personal Development

Trauma Counselling

Trauma Counselling

Marriage Counselling

Marraige Counselling

Relastionship Counselling

Relationship and Family Counselling

Career Development

Career Development



Hiv Testing

Hiv Testing and Counselling

Relastionship Counselling

Personal Development

workshops and training

Worksops and Training

Parenting classes

Parenting Classes

Eco counselling

Eco Counselling and Retreats


DBT Skills for Adolescents and Families

When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.

Victor  Frankel